The other day, my brother and I, as housemates, took a trip to Mount Mee for a hike, leaving the house at 5 am for a sunrise drive to the trail. We had been out, working long days every day on construction sites, sometimes leaving before the sun rises and often not getting home until the sun sets. So, we decided to take Luna the cattle pup for a long walk, and I snapped these shots on my Cannon EOS 700.

This is a compilation of 10 photos, all joined together, using the a.i of Adobe Lightroom to create this short panorama

We went to Daybro for breakfast and to let Luna walk a little more with us, but as Jacob went back for the car, I tried to introduce her to a horse from across a wire fence, but she just wanted her Dad. We didn't end up meeting the horse. She kept pulling away too hard.But she loved the car ride to and from Daybro.