Believe it or not, this wasn’t done in Photoshop. At the time, I was doing a Certificate III in Visual Arts from Grade 11 to Grade 12, and I was using an iOS app called Procreate. I loved that app. One day my bible studies teacher from grade 8, a great guy who I’d been friends with since grade 4 or 5, he comes up to me one day while I’m between classes and he asks me to Photoshop him into a photo of Niagara Falls. The story goes, every year, he tells his grade 8 bible studies class that, before they graduate, he’d have gone somewhere or done something amazing with his wife. He told my cohort of eighth graders that, before we graduate from grade 12, he’d have been to Niagara Falls with his wife. Well, as you’re most likely expecting, he didn’t go. I’m not sure if he ever actually had any intentions of going, but he always did it as a reward for his classes, to have stories to bring back for us. Well, my cohort’s story is that he had gone, but only through the power of Photoshop. I grabbed him a few days after he asked me, and I told him to meet me in my school’s green screen room behind the library. Now, I had the privilege to use it because I was a Film and TV student who was “Practicing”, or something. So, I met him there with one of the school cameras, a tripod, and for extra effect, I brought a squirty bottle of water. I shot him with the bottle, shot him with the camera and took it home to load onto my iPad and edit. I spent half a night working on the opacity of certain sections to make it look as real as possible